Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Win, Win, Win!

If you've been living undera rock, you may not have noticed that we have a number of contests going on right now.  First off, we are offering a $100 gift card to one lucky winner who posts a review of us on any of our 4 Google Places pages.  This is not the testimonials page on our site (although we do love those too!), but going to one of our google places pages. logging in with a gmail account (if you don't have one it's easy to creat one) and reviewing us there. There is a LINK to our Google Places pages on our site.
In addition, we are running a contest for an AMAZING give-away for any Lacrosse fans to win an awesome pize for the Denver Outlaws.  Entries are only available in our offices, so stop in.  We'll give more details about the prize in our next post.

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