Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We're Studying Hard for You!

Many of you likely have noticed that we frequently tout that we have "board Certified Orthodontists".  For those unfamiliar with the details of the orthodontic world you might think "yeah, so, aren't all orthodontists board certified"?  The answer is no, not even close.  Truth is, one does not even need orthodontic training to perform orthodontics (as unbelievable as that seems).  Yup, folks that haven't even gone through what is typically 3 years of post-graduate training to be an orthodontist can, legally, put braces on your teeth. But even having gone through an accredited orthodontic program does not mean that you are board certified.  Indeed, VERY FEW orthodontists actually go through the rigorous process of board certification.  Why?  Its simple-- its really, really hard.  To become board certified a doctor must prepare and study for hundreds upon hundreds of additional hours well after they have completed their degree and are in practice.  They must prepare detailed presentations of their cases that they then must present to the board in an all-day marathon session where they are reviewed and questioned with regard to their diagnosis, treatment plan, techniques and results.  Its hard-- really hard.  And not everyone passes.  To pass you must convince the board that you are indeed at the top of our field, performing orthodontics at the highest levels possible. So now you understand why so few orthodontists want to go through the process.  You may ask then, so why do we?  It doesn't make us more money or allow us to do something other orthodontists can't do that don't go through the process. The answer is, simply, that we know that committing oneself to go through the process in the end helps make you a better doctor.  It makes you evaluate different approaches and consider the latest research and knowledge available in our field. It makes you consider all of your experiences and how you can become better from them.  And, of course, this is all better for you, our patients.  It helps you know that our doctors are absolutely among the best in the business.  It gives you the confidence in knowing you are getting the absolutely finest care available.

So why do I bring this all up today?  Well for the past few months our own doctor Patil has been preparing for his own board certification process. He has spent upwards of 300-500 hours preparing, oftentimes spending 18 hour days during weeks off we have given him to get ready.  This Monday was the deadline for his submission (which he of course met). In a couple of weeks he will travel to present his cases in front of the board.  We are supremely confident that he will pass with flying colors.  It would be an understatement to say that we are so proud of him!  Not only has he reported that it indeed is a great exercise (albeit painful-- but as they say-- no pain, no gain!) in making him a better practitioner, but as we work in a collaborative, group setting, his experience has helped in even further sharpening the skills of our other, already board certified orthodontists.

So keep posted for the results of Dr. Patil's process and be prepared to give him a mighty congratulations once the process is complete (as we are extremely confident he will pass).  It will be very well deserved!

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